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The Siihlimation of Metals at Low Pressures. 
By G. W. C. Kaye, B.A., D.Sc, and Donald Ewen, M.Sc. 

(Communicated by Dr. E. T. Glazebrook, F.RS. Eeceived June 10, — 

Bead June 26, 1913.) 

(From the National Physical Laboratory.) 

[Plate 5.] 


Many metals have been found to exhibit evidences of volatility at 
temperatures considerably below their melting points. As long ago as 1872, 
Merget* demonstrated that frozen mercury volatilised perceptibly in air in 
course of time. DemarQay,f in 1882, conducted similar experiments in vacuo 
and found that cadmium evaporated sensibly at as low a temperature as 160^, 
zinc at 184°, and lead and tin at 360° C. In 1887, Zenghelio| obtained 
evidence of the volatility of lead, copper, zinc, etc., even at room temperatures. 
Spring,§ in 1894, working at atmospheric pressure, showed that zinc was 
appreciably volatile at 300°, and cadmium and copper at 500°. Eoberts- Austen 
and Merrett, in some unpublished experiments at the Eoyal Mint, in 1896, 
detected the volatility of cadmium and zinc at 100° in vacuo, while KrafftH in 
1903 and 1905 investigated in some detail the volatilisation of a number of 
metals at low pressures. Eosenhain, at the National Physical Laboratory, 
has obtained beautiful crystals of sublimed zinc by heating a piece of zinc 
to 300° C. for some weeks in a glass tube containing hydrogen at atmospheric 

The notable phenomena of the interdiffusion of metals, with which Eoberts- 
Austen's name is associated, provide, of course, additional evidence of the 
vapour pressure that solid metals exert even at ordinary temperatures. 

A familiar illustration of metallic volatilisation is furnished by the 

blackening of tungsten and carbonlF filament lamps. Deposits of definite 

outline can occasionally be detected on the bulbs of the lamps ; a fact which 

seems to point to the projection of particles in definite directions from the 


* Merget, * Ann. Chim. Phys.,' 1872, vol. 25, p. 121. 
t Demargay, * Comptes Rendus,' 1882, vol. 95, p. 183. 
J Zenghelio, * Zeit. Phys. Chem.,' 1887, vol. 1, p. 219. 
§ Spring, ^ Comptes Rendus,' 1894, p. 42. 

II Krafft, ' Ber. Deut. Chem. Gesell.,' 1903, vol. 36, p. 1690, and 1905, vol. 38, p. 254. 
IT Berthelot showed, in 1904, that such vaporised carbon is not graphitic, but amorphous. 

The Suhlimation of Metals at Low Pressures. 


The extent of the disintegration exhibited by a heated metal depends a 
great deal on its nature. In the case of the metals of the platinum group, 
Crookes* found that when they were heated in still air at atmospheric 
pressure, they arranged themselves in the following order of increasing 
volatility: Eh, Pt, Pd, Ir, and Eu. The marked volatility of iridium at 
temperatures above 1000° C. has long been known to users of platinum-iridium 

The disintegration of a metal increases rapidly with a rise in the 
temperature, and almost all observers are agreed that the presence of oxygen 
serves to augment the effect, at any rate in those cases which have been 
investigated. Hydrogen and nitrogen do not, in general, favour dis- 

The platinum metals, with the exception of palladium, all disintegrate less 
as the pressure is lowered, and accordingly it does not appear that in these 
cases the effect is one of true sublimation. Eobertsf has recently conducted 
experiments with these metals, and infers that the volatilisation is not a 
simple process, but is brought about by the formation of endothermic oxides 
more volatile than the metals themselves.^ 

With most other metals, however, we should naturally expect volatilisation 
to be facilitated by a reduction of pressure. We have collected in the 
following table, the data for a number of metals for which information 


Boiling point. 

detectable at 

Melting point 
at 1 atmos. 

At 1 atmos. 

In vacuo. 










2530 ? 






























■^ Crookes, * Eoy. Sec. Proc.,' May, 1912, A, vol. 86, p. 461. 

t Eoberts, ' Phil. Mag.,' February, 1913, p. 270. 

{ In this connection, see Goldstein (' Ber. Deut. Chem. Ges.,' 1904) and Magnus (* Phys. 
Zeit.,' 1905, vol. 6, p. 12), who showed that Pt and Ir at a white heat rapidly absorb 

60 Dr. G. W. C. Kaye and Mr. D. Ewen. 

regarding the effect of pressure on the boiling point is available. The values 
of the higher boiling points are largely due to Greenwood.^ Some of the 
volatilisation temperatures quoted have been recently determined at the 
National Physical Laboratory. 

Columns 2 and 3 reveal the marked effect of pressure on the boiling point ; 
and Column 4 shows the temperatures at which volatilisation has been 
detected, mostly at low pressures. These temperatures are intended to imply 
appreciable volatilisation ; if the experiments were sufficiently prolonged, 
volatilisation could be detected in some cases at temperatures even lower 
than those given, as will be gathered from p. 58. Column 5 gives the corre- 
sponding melting points and is added for the sake of comparison. 

Rectilmear Emission of Particles. 

Evidence has recently been obtained of the emission of particles of metal 
at right angles to the surface of a heated metal, in much the same way, for 
example, as particles of metal are ejected from the surface of a cathode in a 
discharge tube. In most cases, this straight line emission is obscured by 
general volatilisation ; but when the circumstances were favourable its 
existence has been detected. 

Eeboul and de BoUemontf have recently shown that small strips of either 
copper or silver, when heated in an electric furnace at temperatures from 
400°^ to 900° C. yield black deposits which closely follow the outline of the 
emitting metal. Thus when the latter was cut in the shape of a cross, the 
deposit also was cruciform. The deposits were received on a platinum screen, 
and proved to consist either of the emitting metal or its oxide. In air at 
atmospheric pressure, 3 mm. was the greatest distance at which such deposits 
were obtained ; the best results were obtained at about 1 mm. distance. In 
oxygen, the effect was enhanced ; in a vacuum, the deposit gained in sharp- 
ness of outline. Curiously enough, in hydrogen, the edges of the strip seemed 
to be the only active regions, so that the sputtered image reproduced merely 
the outlines of the strip.§ 

The rate of deposition increased very considerably as the furnace was made 
hotter. On repeating the experiment with a sample of copper which had 
already been used, the deposit was much less dense than that obtained on the 

^ Greenwood, 'Eoy. Soc. Proc.,' 1909, A, vol. 82, p. 396 ; 1910, A, vol. 83, p. 483. 

f Eeboul and de Bollemont, ^ Journ. de Phys.,' July, 1912, 5, vol. 2, p. 559. 

J Below 400° no deposits were obtained. 

§ A somewhat similar edge-effect was obtained by one of us in connection with the 
sputtered deposit from an aluminium cathode in a discharge tube (Kaye, * Phys. Soc. Proc.,' 
Feb., 1913, vol. 25, p. 198). 

The Sublimation of Metals at Loiv Pressures, 61 

first heating. Other metals — nickel, iron, and aluminium — were tried, but 
without success. 


The present authors, during the early part of last year, obtained somewhat 
similar results which are recounted in this paper. 

Iridium. — In one experiment, with which Dr. Harker was associated,* a 
strip of pure iridium (S, fig. 1) was heated by the passage of a heavy alternat- 
ing current of low voltage. The strip was arranged, edge upwards, within a 



EiG. 2. 

hollow metal cylinder of diameter about 18 mm. The gas was nitrogen and 
the pressure about 20 mm. At the end of the experiment two horizontal 
bands of deposit A and B were observed on the inner surface of the cylinder, 
each one facing a side of the iridium strip, and of roughly the same width. 
The rest of the cylinder was not wholly free from deposit, but it reached 
a minimum at points Cand D opposite the edges of the strip. 

Go'p'per, — In a second experiment, a copper tube (T, fig. 2) with a hole 
(diameter 8 mm.) in its side was heated from within by a strip of metal 
through which alternating heating current was passed. As shown in fig. 2, 
the strip was not in contact with the cylinder. The pressure was about 
1 mm. and the gas nitrogen. 

After a few. minutes the copper attained a visibly red heat (800° C), and a 
black deposit rapidly formed some 4 cm. away on an opal-glass plate (P) 
placed obliquely, as indicated in the figure. The deposit approximated in 
shape to an elliptical ring. This is to be ascribed to the sputtering action 
of the edge of the hole in the tube. The outline of the sputtered ring 
was shortly afterwards largely obscured by general deposit from the body 
of the tube and the heating strip. Fig. 3 gives a notion of the appearance 
of part of the elliptical band of deposit ; it has been strengthened slightly 
in the photograph (see Plate 5). 

* See Harker and Kaye, * Roy. Soc. Proc.,' 1913, A, vol. 88, p. 536. 


Dr. G. W. 0. Kaye and Mr. I). Ewen. 

Iron Strip A 

IroQi. — In a further series of experiments/some interesting deposits have 
been obtained with iron. Commercially pure Swedish wrought iron was 
used in the form of thin strips which were highly polished. The arrange- 
ment of the apparatus is indicated in fig. 4. 

The iron strip A was mounted vertically and connected at its extremities 
to two stout copper leads, by which means the strip was heated electrically 

by direct current. Parallel to, and 
at about 1 mm from, the polished 
surface of the iron was stretched a 
strip of platinum foil B, in the 
centre of which was a small hole 
about 3 mm. square. A second 
piece of platinum foil C was welded 
on to B, and contained another 
similar hole so arranged that the 
two holes in B and were opposite 
each other and about 5 mm. apart. 
A third strip of platinum foil D was 
mounted opposite the hole in C and 
about 1 mm. away from G. Strips 
B and C were electrically insulated 
from the iron strip A, and the 
outermost strip D, which was 
intended to receive the deposit, was 
connected to the positive end of 
the iron 'strip. The whole was placed in a vessel which was highly 
exhausted, and the iron strip was then heated by passing through it a 
direct current of about 20 to 30 amperes at 50 to 100 volts. The 
temperature of the iron was kept at about 950° C. for some 5 hours.* 

By this means, a dark brown deposit was obtained on the platinum strip D, 
and, as shown in the photograph (fig. 5), the deposit took the form of a well 
defined image of the square holes in the other pieces of foil. The clearly 
defined edges of this shadow make it difficult to imagine that the method 
of transference of the material can be other than some kind of rectilinear 
propagation of the volatilised particles. The slight distortion of the image 
is due in part to a want of alignment of the two holes in B and C, and 
partly to the shape of the hole in G. 

No deposit was found on the sides of B and G remote from the hot iron 
strip. Fig. 5 shows the black deposit on the side of B facing the iron 
•^ The temperature was measured by a hot-wire optical pyrometer. 

3c tn. 

Fig. 4. 

The Sublimation of Metals at Low Pressures, 63 

strip. There was also some deposit on the corresponding face of around 
the sides of the hole ; a feature which indicates that not all the particles 
are projected normally from the iron. In some experiments, plate C was 
removed and only the one hole (in B) used ; the deposits in these cases 
were not quite so well defined. 

The surface of the emitting iron strip, when examined under a fairly high 
power, shows regularly oriented etched pitting (fig. 6). The method of heating 
by direct current seems to favour the development of these etched pits to an 
extraordinary degree. As described later, specimens of iron were also heated 
in a tube furnace in vacuo to the same temperature as before, viz., 950° C. 
In these cases, the etched pitting of the surface, although generally 
distinguishable, was not developed to anything like the same extent as in 
specimens heated under the same conditions by the passage of the heating 
current through the specimens themselves. It would appear, therefore, 
that the electrical conditions which obtain in the latter case predispose 
the metal to disintegration, as evidenced by the etching effects.* It would 
be of interest to see if heating by the passage of an alternating current 
through, a metal would also produce such marked pitting. The frequent 
twinning, an example of which is shown in fig. 6, is, of course, characteristic 
of the structure of iron at the temperature of the experiments. 

The central and hottest portion of the iron strip, which was opposite the 
holes in the platinum strips, was afterwards found to be brown in colour. 
The appearance suggested that a certain amount of oxidation had taken place 
in spite of the fairly high vacuum employed.f This is supported by the fact 
that on subsequently annealing the iron in hydrogen the brown colour 
disappeared and the iron reverted to its normal tint. 

The deposit was found, when tested, to give a distinct iron reaction, thus 
proving that the shadow was due to the transference of particles from the 
iron. The loss in weight of the iron specimen was too small to be detected 
by an ordinary chemical balance. The adhesion of the deposits to the receiv- 
ing strip of platinum was remarkable, vigorous polishing for some minutes 
being necessary for their removal. Under the microscope, the surface 
of the platinum where the deposit was formed shows a reticular pattern 
resembling the structure obtained on polished and etched metallic surfaces. 

* Fredenhagen ('Phys. Zeit./ 1912, vol. 13, p. 539) found a parallel effect with the 
negative electrical discharge from a hot metal in "vacuo. The emission from a certain 
electrode, when the latter was heated in an electric furnace, was only 1 per cent, of that 
obtained on heating by direct current to the same temperature. 

t The pressure was initially of the order of 0*004 mm. of mercury and during the course 
of the heating averaged about 0*035 mm., the rise being accounted for by the evolution of 
gases from the heated iron. 

64 Dr. G. W . 0. Kaye and Mr. D. Ewen. 

As the result of a number of experiments, it was found that the maximum 
range of the iron particles was about 1 cm. in a good vacuum ; at higher 
pressures it would probably be less.* 

Deposits from iron were also obtained on non-metallic receiving surfaces, 
such as fused silica. 

In order to examine more closely into the cause of this transference of 
material, some further experiments were carried out with iron, in which the 
arrangements were similar to those already described, but the heating was 
effected by an electric tube-furnace, wound with a spiral resistor of nichrome 
wire ; the iron specimen did not, therefore, in this case, carry any current. 
The window in these experiments was a long slit parallel to and about 
2 mm. from the strip ; only one window was employed. As before, quite a 
sharp shadow of outline corresponding to the slit was obtained on a 
platinum screen, about 1 mm. distant from the slit. This is shown in 
fig. 7; the illumination of the screen in the photograph causes the grey 
deposit to appear white on a dark ground. 

With this arrangement, one hour's heating produced only very faint 
indications of a deposit, whilst a clearly defined image was obtained from a 
run lasting three hours. With direct-current heating, on the other hand, 
the rate of deposition was much more rapid, and in one experiment, 
10 minutes sufficed to produce a fairly clear deposit (see also p. 63). 

In the tube-furnace experiment the temperature was not quite uniform, 
so that both iron strip and platinum screen were a good deal hotter at one 
end than the other. The deposit on the screen was found to be fainter at 
the hotter end; this was probably due to the greater loss by evaporation 
from the hot end of the screen. The deposit shown in fig. 7 did not possess 
the brown colour of the shadows obtained in the previous experiments, nor, 
as has already been remarked, did the surface of the iron show such charac- 
teristic etched pitting. Thus, although more prominent deposits were 
obtained when there was slight oxidation, it would appear that the presence 
of oxygen — at any rate, in quantity sufficient to cause visible oxidation — is 
not essential to the process of transference. 

Tungsten. — Extensive deposits and corresponding shadow results were also 
obtained when tungsten was heated in vacuo to about 1800° C. 


From the foregoing results, and those obtained by Keboul and 
de BoUemont, it would appear that there are two main classes of vapour 
given out when a metal volatilises; one kind, which is associated with 

* Cf. Eeboul and de BoUemont, above. 

The Sublimation of Metals at Low Pressures. 65 

evaporation as usually understood by the term, the other, made up of 
particles of metal, which travel in straight lines from the surface of the 
metal, which they leave approximately at right angles, and which, as our 
experiments appear to show, have (in the case of iron, at any rate) a range 
of only a centimetre or so m vacuo, "What may be the inherent cause of 
difference between these two kinds of particles we are not in a position to 
say at present ; we suggest that the " rectilinear '' type consists of electrified 
particles of metal, while the ordinary vapour particles are electrically neutral. 

It is well known that, if a liquid has its surface suddenly changed in area, 
a surplus charge of electricity makes its appearance, as, for example, in the 
splashing of water or mercury. On the same grounds, the pitting of the 
heated surface, and the consequent alteration of area, would be expected to 
release a certain amount of electrification, which would, in favourable cases, 
accompany the liberated particles. The repulsion of the charged particles at 
right angles to the surface of the heated metal would follow if the surface 
were also charged with like sign ; this, of course, is possible with a strip 
heated by direct current. We have already remarked on the special 
efficacy of direct current in producing deposits. 

The effect is not so easy to explain in the case of the tube-furnace and 
alternating-current experiments. Eeboul and de Bollemont suggest, in 
explanation of the phenomena, that the transference of the material is due 
to miniature eruptions caused by the explosive combination of occluded 
hydrogen and oxygen in the metal. On this view, the effect would be 
expected to fatigue, and this is in accordance with their experiments (p. 60). 
The explanation does not, however, seem to us convincing. 

In our experiments with iron, the temperature did- not exceed about 
1000° C, under which conditions we should expect that any electrified 
particles there might be would carry a positive charge ; and, in fact, Sir J. J. 
Thomson* showed some years ago that positively charged particles of metal 
were among the positive ions given off by platinum heated to moderate 
temperatures at low pressures. It would be interesting to see if a difference 
could be detected in the intensity of the deposits obtained from either end of 
a strip of metal heated by direct current. On the above hypothesis, the 
positive end of the strip might give an appreciably heavier deposit at such 

At higher temperatures than we have employed — near and above the 
melting point of iron — negative electricity predominates, and opposite results 
would accordingly be expected in such an experiment. The effect of a 
magnetic field on the stream of particles would, of course, be a valuable 

* * Conduction of Electricity througli G^se^/ 1906, p. 217. 

66 Dr. G. W. C. Kaye and Mr. D. Ewen. 

piece of evidence. By such means, Owen and Halsall*' find, however, that 
in a good vacuum, and over a wide range of temperatures all high enough to 
give negative ionisation, the thermionic current, in the case of Pt, Pd 
and Ir, is due almost entirely to electrons. They conclude that the 
proportion of heavy and metallic negative ions is certainly less than 1 part 
in 2000. It should be remarked also that Eoberts, in the paper already 
referred to, did not find any evidence of particles which were electrified in 
the vapours of the platinum metals. But, from his published account, we 
should gather that the fog-condensation chamber, by which he tested the 
point, was probably too remote from the heated metal to detect such 
short-range particles as we have described. 

The influence of traces of oxygen in producing a kind of " weathering " of 
the surface of the metal is one on which stress has been laid by a number of 
experimenters, and it is reasonable to suppose that some such action would 
augment the disintegration to a marked degree with some metals. It is 
significant that most workers are agreed that the presence of oxygen 
accentuates the positive electrical emission from hot metals ; in such cases 
we may regard the charged particles as the direct outcome of the energy of 
reaction between the metal and the gas. We have elsewhere noted Eoberts' 
conclusions as to the part played by oxygen in the volatilisation of the 
platinum metals, and it is a matter for further investigation to ascertain the 
extent of the effect with the baser metals. Some evidence is afforded by the 
experiments on p. 64.f 

As an alternative to the charged-particle hypothesis it is not impossible 
that the distinction between the " rectilinear " particles and the ordinary 
particles is one chiefly of size. We should expect that very small emitted 
particles of metal — with dimensions not far from molecular — would suffer 
appreciable scattering by the gas molecules and lose very speedily their 
original direction of projection. But larger particles, projected with the same 
velocity, would travel farther before being similarly disturbed. Possibly the 
range of the projected particles under the same temperature conditions varies 
considerably from metal to metal ; and this may account for the lack of success 
which attended Eeboul and de Bollemont's efforts to obtain deposits with 
metals other than copper and silver at atmospheric pressure. 

It may not be too far from the purpose of this paper to consider the 
possible source of such large particles. Dr. Eosenhain and one of usij: have 

^' <PML Mag.,' May, 1913, vol. 25, p. 735. 

t See also Humfrey, ^ Iron and Steel Inst. Journ.,' 1912, Carnegie Memoirs. 
J " Interciystalline Cohesion in Metals^" Eosenhain q.iad Ewen, ' Inst. Metals Journ., 
Bept., 1912, 

Kaye and Etven. 

Roy. Soc. Proc, A, vol. 89, Plate 5. 

Fig. 3.- — Copper Deposit. 


B and C 


Fig. 5.— Photograph of Hole and Iron 

Deposit cast by it. 
Jn the above figure, plate C is behind 

plate B. Full size. 

Fig. 7. — Iron Deposit. | full size. 

Fig. 6.— Pitted Surface of Iron Strip, x 500 diameters. 

The Sublimation of Metals at Low Pressures, 67 

put forward a theory as to the mechanism by which evaporation takes place 
from crystalline metals. The view was adopted, from the observations of the 
behaviour of a number of metals in vacuo, that the volatilised metal consists 
initially of the intercrystalline amorphous material which cements together 
the crystal faces. This amorphous cement is more volatile than the crystals 
themselves, and accordingly grooves or channels are formed along the crystal 
boundaries of metals subjected to prolonged heating in vacuo. The increased 
liability to erosion along the sides of these channels may perhaps be the cause, 
directly or indirectly, of particles larger than those from the body of the 
crystals. With polished specimens the channels are visible under the 
microscope ; the process is known as vacuum etching. 

If there is any real analogy between the sputtering from a cathode in a 
low-pressure discharge tube, and thermal sputtering such as we have described, 
it may be that cathodic sputtering carried out under suitable conditions 
would similarly lead to the formation of patterns corresponding to the 
structure of the metal. 

So far as evaporation from the isrystals themselves is concerned, we may 
usefully employ the conception of a '' crystal unit " adopted by some metallo- 
graphists. The term implies a small ordered stable aggregate of molecules 
which serves as a brick from which to build up the crystal structure. We 
may imagine that either through the application of heat or by chemical 
combination the stability of a surface unit is endangered by reason of the 
loss of individual outlying molecules. The whole unit disintegrates and 
comes away piecemeal from the crystal in particles, may be, of appreciable 
size, and at the same time a pit is commenced in the crystal surface. We should 
not be unreasonable in expecting that such particles coming from a stable 
crystal system would be electrically charged, in contradistinction to those 
coming from an unordered amorphous medium. 

The results described in this paper are to be regarded as of a preliminary 
character; it will be apparent that there is scope for further work in a 
number of directions. 

Fig. 3.- L'uppL-r Uupowit. 


B ami C 

Fk;. T). — Photogiapli of Hole ami Iron 

Deposit wist by it 

In tlie aliove iigiiic, plate C is luihiiid 

piate K Fill! size. 

Kui. (>.--I'itl<(i Siiif;ir(- of lion Snip, x 'i(X> diaiiinU'rs. 

Fio. 7.— Iron Deposit. j-J full size.